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AIBH Supporter: Macy's

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Macy's believes in giving back to their local communities. Macy's contributions, leadership and volunteer efforts help create stronger, healthier places for our customers and associates to work and live.

Through the gifts from Macy's, Bloomingdale's and the Macy's Foundation, more than $26 million was contributed to approximately 4,500 nonprofit organizations in 2011, with similar numbers expected in 2012. The majority of their gifts were directed to their core focus areas for funding: arts and culture, education, the environment, HIV/AIDS awareness and research, and women's issues.

Their newest giving program, My Macy's District Grants, completed its second year of operation and provided nearly $3.4 million in grants to local communities. More than 1,200 individual gifts were made. The District Grants program features contributions committees in each of the Macy's operating districts who make local funding decisions. Similar to their merchandise localization, the District Grants program aids their local teams in supporting the organizations and causes that are important in their respective local communities.

Everyone at AIBH is very grateful to Macy's for selecting AIBH over these past two years as one of their charities of choice. Macy's is a very giving organization and we are honored to be a part of their program.

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