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Coral Quiet, MD
Co-Founder of AIBH
Coral A. Quiet, M.D. is a radiation oncologist that has specialized in breast cancer since she was a resident. In fact, she interned as a surgeon at the University of Chicago planning to specialize in mastectomies and immediate reconstructions. At that time, the data about breast preservation treatments were just beginning to gain scientific strength and after 2 years in surgery, she decided she preferred her patients awake and with their own tissue!!! That resulted in a career change and she began her study of oncology and radiation.

Dr. Quiet has has been in Arizona since 1993. When she came to the valley, there was no one specializing in breast cancer and in fact, only 20% of women were treated with breast conservation (lumpectomy and radiation)...80% were treated with mastectomy. Because of her concern that women were not getting full information before making their treatment decisions, she co-founded the Arizona Institute for Breast Health.

Dr. Quiet began the breast brachytherapy program in 2000 and it has grown and succeeded over the last 8 years. She helped to pioneer the Mammosite catheter for the FDA studies and have been involved with that devices long term use and research. After much experience with the device, she realized that it was limited, and in fact, could only treat 60% of the patients she was seeing with early stage breast cancer. She has since pioneered a new device, SAVI, which has completed its early studies and has shown great use and is able to treat a lot more women with early stage breast cancer while avoiding high dose to skin and ribs. Newer devices are being worked on that will continue to develop breast cancer treatment options.

Dr. Quiet is also one of the founders of Arizona Breast Cancer Specialists,

All portions of this website are copyright © 2002-2025, Arizona Institute for Breast Health